June 1, 2007


As this is my first foray into maintaining an online presence (I hope to have my website officially launched by July) I wasn’t sure on exactly which website features I wanted to include on my new WEBSITE.

So I decided to take a look at the websites of some other top companions and I realized a few things:
1. While an availability calendar is helpful I only see 1 client per week and don’t “tour” so there’s no point for me to be a slave to updating an online calendar. I have enough trouble remembering to update my Outlook Calendar, lol.
2. I wanted to add a wish list so I no longer have to come up with suggestions for gifts when a suitor asks me what kind of items he can surprise me with. Note to self: Start thinking of items to add to wish list.
3. I really wanted to include some sort of journal or blog, I really felt that I learned so much more about the personalities and nuisances of the women who included some sort of blog on their sites and that is exactly how I want my clients to feel!

To expand on the last thought, I have found that the deepest connections I have encountered have come from those individuals who have taken the time to get to know me in depth prior to an encounter. Little did I realize when I started writing my website content and include a personalized introduction that it would become my first entry in this blog. So I am hoping that those of you who choose to follow my blog will gain the insight needed to ensure I am the perfect companion for you!

I find that I do most of my blogging in the airport or on the airplane so I’m not going to promise any specific frequency to my blog entries, sometimes I may add 3 entries in one week and then won’t add anything for 2 weeks. So keep checking back, or sign up to receive an email notification each time I update my blog and of course feel free to add your comments as well!

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